Monday, January 5, 2015

Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Well, it's that time again.  A New Year is upon us. This may be a little "late" to post, but 5 days in is better than never.

While most people are making resolutions about healthier habits, things to try, bucket lists, (most of which they'll probably end up breaking, or forgetting about as the year goes by)I have just one. Just one resolution for the year.

And with this one, I want help. I need help to remember. So I'm inviting you to keep me accountable to this resolution. Because really, if you have just one thing you're focusing on, the rest comes so easily.

Now, if you've known me for a fair amount of time (not long, because it doesn't take that to know this about me) you'll know that I'm a little bit boy crazy. I like me the male species. If I'm not actually talking about some guy I'm interested in, 99.9% chance is that I'm thinking about him, and when the next time I'm going to see him, or do this activity, or go here or there with him. Bottom line of this craziness is I've let men run my life. (Hi, I'm Samantha. Let's get personal). I've had different goals for a while with men, first I just wanted to have boyfriends, but not commit to long periods of time, then I just wanted to date a whole bunch of people to see what's out there (Ok, well "date" in a not complete kosher sense of the word). But as I hit the ripe old age of 25...I realized 1-I'm tired of the boys in the world and need to hold off for the men. 2-dating is hard. 3-I want to settle down and have 1 guy for a long period of time, aka marriage, aka till I die. I know this one will take time and all that good jazziemadoodah everyone keeps talking about.

But this year, I'm dropping all of that. It's not about me and my future husband. It's not about me trying to weed through all the fish in the sea. It's not about me and this guy or that guy. It's not about me initiating anything with a guy.

It's about Me.

It's about Love.

While I've never completed loathed myself as a person, I've never completed loved myself as a person either.

So rather than focusing on everyone else and me last, I'm putting me first. But not in a narcissistic egotistical way. I'm going to do things for me. I'm going to really take the time to figure out who I am this year, what I really want to do in life, and what makes me, Me. If I can completely love me, working out will be a breeze. If I completely love me, staying organized and keeping a clean house will be like the Disney movies (well maybe minus the animal help because I'm sure my cat isn't interested in that).

My goal this year is Love. By loving me, loving others (friends, family and even the grumpy customers I help at work) will be second nature and I won't even have to think about it.

I don't have all the kinks planned out. I don't have the 'how to's planned out. But I have my goal. The details and methods will come :) I don't expect it to be easy, but it'll be something to look back on at the end of the year, and see progress, for sure.

Until next time,
