Wednesday, June 3, 2020

I will not be silent

Just when things seemed to be returning to normal, a series of police brutalities and acts of racism broke out.

Peaceful protests followed by separate groups looting and destroying property.

Racism is not OK.
Police brutality is not OK.
No violence is OK.

Black Lives Matter.

Do not mistake my silence for complacency. I want to show support towards the Black community, but I do not want to be mistaken for ignorant.

Black Lives Matter.
Police Brutality needs to stop.
White people calling the cops on people of color (I'm not sure if this is more "politically correct" than the term black people) need to stop if there truly is no crime happening.

People of color should not have to question or fear if they will return home alive whenever they step foot outside their house. Heck, or even question this when they wake up.

My heart is breaking because this is not what Jesus wants for his followers. We are called to love one another.

I'm not sure how I can help at this time other than to voice this. I cannot donate money at this time. But I will gladly take the time and space on social media to post and repost resources.
