Wednesday, June 3, 2020

I will not be silent

Just when things seemed to be returning to normal, a series of police brutalities and acts of racism broke out.

Peaceful protests followed by separate groups looting and destroying property.

Racism is not OK.
Police brutality is not OK.
No violence is OK.

Black Lives Matter.

Do not mistake my silence for complacency. I want to show support towards the Black community, but I do not want to be mistaken for ignorant.

Black Lives Matter.
Police Brutality needs to stop.
White people calling the cops on people of color (I'm not sure if this is more "politically correct" than the term black people) need to stop if there truly is no crime happening.

People of color should not have to question or fear if they will return home alive whenever they step foot outside their house. Heck, or even question this when they wake up.

My heart is breaking because this is not what Jesus wants for his followers. We are called to love one another.

I'm not sure how I can help at this time other than to voice this. I cannot donate money at this time. But I will gladly take the time and space on social media to post and repost resources.


Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Quarantine Update

We're just around 40 days into the Nevada quarantine. here's my update.

Since I'm not out and about and I'm home most of the time (unless I'm working minimal hours, or getting in and out as quick as possible at the grocery store) I decided I would do something a little different on my YouTube channel.

I'm going to be walking through Line Dances and how to do them! I'll be going through as many dances as I can throughout the rest of this quarantine and posting them as quickly as I can edit!

Check out the above video to hear my introduction.

Until Next time.

Friday, March 20, 2020

Love in a time of COVID-19

I know a lot of us do not have our heads under a rock and are aware of the current Pandemic spreading over the Earth.

I am not here to state my opinion on the coronavirus Covid 19
I am not here to express emotions or woes about it.

This is simply just a log in my "journal" to look back at.

March 17, 2020 Nevada got the order from the Governor that any non-essential business is required to shut their doors. I started my youtube channel years ago in college, but never was consistent on posting until the last bit of my prep last year.

I had plans to make so many fun vlogs, and interview some friends of mine and do fun things with them for the interview. Now, due to #SocialDistancing I've decided to postpone those interviews for the safety of those around us.

I'm not a personal trainer or nutritionist, so I do not want to make workout videos or nutritional videos because I am no expert.

I don't really have the capacity to do "Day in the life" because I am either at home just waiting, or at work 2 days a week. My job is still open, and I am so so thankful. I know there are many who were displaced, or let go.

There are still places hiring, due to the panic purchasing of a lot of Americans. Check with your local grocery stores or meal delivery places and see if they are hiring.

We are #BattleBorn and we will battle Covid19, 3 days into the State ordered quarantine. We'll be fine :)

I am manifesting that this Social Distancing and Quarantine will work. The virus will not spread further. It will stop mutating. Doctors and researchers will create a successful vaccine/treatment. The sick will get better. The death toll will stop rising exponentially. The people will grow closer to their families. The Earth gets time to continue to breathe and continue to recover. We will come out of this grateful and more conscientious.

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

2020 Wishlist

This is my ongoing running wish list of items in case friends or family ever ask.

Blue light glasses

New sunnies

Brack and Pine Necklaces
Raven (currently sold out)
Meadow (silver)

Sports bra: Small
Leggings: Small Tall
Shorts: medium

Holo taco: Nail polishes

Holo taco peely base coat, Super glossy taco

Hosanna Revival Planner

Evolve with Emily Journal

Bowmar Nutrition Protein
Key Lime Flavor
Wedding cake flavor

Bowmar Creatine

Bowmar EAAs

Amazon wishlist for myself

Amazon wishlist for e-books for my kindle

Monday, January 6, 2020

Where have I gone?

Seasons change and so do I. I've posted here and there, mostly once a year with my Christmas wishlist that I end up sending to family and friends.

I've taken a HUGE step back from blogging, because I was so inconsistent. HOWEVER, fret not! I haven't stopped sharing my thoughts with the world. I've picked up a few new platforms.

I vlog now, more consistently than college if you were around for that. Go take a gander at my YouTube, and subscribe, so you'll know when I post. It's mostly been fitness related. But if you're here for the gospel truth, I do have a video where I flip through every page of my NLT Daily Walk Bible.

If you want more of a weekly or even daily update, go follow me on my personal Instagram, or my fitness Instagram.