Title derives from our last names. First two initials of our last names, mine being "Pf" and his being "Wo". And then since it's our first house, it'll be how we take it from just a house, to our amazing home. (Eventually the names in the title may change, if I'm lucky!)
So first off, welcome to the PfWo house when we moved in eons ago (Being October 2015). These were the pictures I took on our final walk through before we moved in:
Here's the kitchen and laundry room. Hideous color! Blech.
We have plans to remodel this bad boy and make it more efficient. Now after living there 3 months, we have a good idea of what we want to change. (By the way, that handsome devil is Max, the awesome boyfriend I have in my life :))

Our living room. Still a weird yellow color. We have since painted the whole house.

The unique full bath in the hallway

The tiniest room in the house, it's 8x9. Max and I think we're going to make it workout/prayer room. And we're going to repaint it. But we haven't decided yet which color we're going to.

This is the master. It isn't a horrible color. But we've repainted since we've moved. Look for future posts to see the aftermath.

This is the unique half bath in the master.

Walk in closet in the master. I have since taken over the left side, and Max has the backside.

This is the guest room. We've left the color as is so far. And it's also my cat Smidge's room lol.

This room will be the office. We're not going to keep the purple color. I've ordered a desk (last week) and I'm assuming Max and I will paint it before the desk gets placed.
So until next time...
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