Rereading the book I can see how different it is from the movie Hollywood made, but isn't that usually the case?
I really enjoyed the way Tris's mind is written and the commitment behind her actions. She is certain of her decisions, even if it seems she shouldn't be. The progression of hesitant abnegation to confident Divergent is a tale told well.
Though the story is told exclusively from her point of view, the way the other characters have been written allow us a glimpse into their minds. It's the way they way they interact with Tris, and her reaction to them, that also reveals what they're about. It's a well written introduction to the characters so that we can stand behind them, or learn to dislike them. It also builds up the climax to the conflict that is sure to follow in the sequel 'Insurgent'.
The description about all the characters, locations and buildings portray a wonderfully vivid picture. The words paint the scenery well that I too feel I've gone through the Dauntless initiate process, minus the impact of the fighting.
Though a "post apocalyptic"/dystopian novel starting a strong female lead like Hunger Games, they are different enough elsewhere that reading one does not eliminate the need to read the other. Personal preference alone, I prefer Tris and what was the city of Chicago to Katniss and what could have been the United States.
One nice feature about the book itself, is the fact that though very chunky as a text, it's light and easy to handle whilst reading. If you have read the Harry Potter series, you'll know those books hold a little bit of weight to them. This book on the other hand is almost as light as a feather.